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Google has overhauled the way its human reviewers work in a bid to cut down on upsetting and offensive content in search results.

The review teams – comprised of contractors known as ‘quality raters’ – comb through websites and other content to flag questionable items such as pornography.

Now Google has added a new category, ‘upsetting-offensive,’ in its guidelines for its estimated 10,000 quality raters around the world.


Google is now directing its review teams to flag content that might come across as upsetting or offensive in search results, such as content with ‘racial slurs or extremely offensive terminology’.

For example, content with ‘racial slurs or extremely offensive terminology’ could now get flagged as such.

While flagging something doesn’t directly affect the search results themselves, it’s used to tweak the company’s software so that better content ranks higher.

The changes were reported in the blog Search Engine Land.

Paul Haahr, one of Google’s senior engineers who is involved with search quality, told the site ‘We’re explicitly avoiding the term ‘fake news,’ because we think it is too vague.

‘Demonstrably inaccurate information, however, we want to target.’

The guidelines , which run 160 pages, are an interesting look into how Google ranks the quality of its search results.

‘As a Search Quality evaluator, you will work on many different types of rating projects,’ it begins.



For instance, it gives examples of ‘high-quality’ pages, such as the home page of a newspaper that has ‘won seven Pulitzer Prize awards,’ and ‘low-quality’ pages, such as an article that includes ‘many grammar and punctuation errors.’

The guidelines cite an example of ‘Holocaust history’ as a search query.

A resulting website listing ‘Top 10 reasons why the holocaust didn’t happen’ would get flagged.

Another example addresses a blog claiming Angela Merkel is the daughter of Adolph (sic) Hitler.

‘This LP is a blog post presenting a factually unsupported conspiracy theory that Angela Merkel is the daughter of Adolph Hitler,’ the guide says.

‘Because the MC is inaccurate and misleading, it completely Fails to Meet the user intent, even though the topic of the page matches the query,’ the guide says, adding ‘A more helpful result for this query might confirm that Adolf Hitler had no children, or provide information on the novel Hitler’s Daughter by Jackie French.’

The new ‘upsetting-offensive’ flag instructs quality raters to ‘flag to all web results that contain upsetting or offensive content from the perspective of users in your locale, even if the result satisfies the user intent.’

‘Because the MC is inaccurate and misleading, it completely Fails to Meet the user intent, even though the topic of the page matches the query,’ the guide says, adding ‘A more helpful result for this query might confirm that Adolf Hitler had no children, or provide information on the novel Hitler’s Daughter by Jackie French.’

The new ‘upsetting-offensive’ flag instructs quality raters to ‘flag to all web results that contain upsetting or offensive content from the perspective of users in your locale, even if the result satisfies the user intent.’ 


The guidelines also include examples. For instance, here’s one for a search on ‘holocaust history,’ giving two different results that might have appeared and how to rate them

‘The Internet contains all sorts of content, including content which many users find offensive or upsetting,’ the Google guide says.

‘Additionally, users of all ages, genders, races, and religions use the Internet to understand the world and other people’s points of view.

‘Users may issue queries on sensitive topics to understand why people believe, say, or do upsetting or offensive things.

‘Search engines exist to allow users to find the information they are looking for.

‘Please assign the Upsetting­Offensive flag to all web results that contain upsetting or offensive content from the perspective of users in your locale, even if the result satisfies the user intent.’


So even if the results are what the person searched for, such as white supremacist websites, they could still get flagged.

But it doesn’t mean the results won’t show up at all when someone searches for them.

Google has over 10,000 quality raters, contractors worldwide that evaluate search results.



Raters are given actual searches to conduct, drawn from real searches that Google sees.

They then rate pages that appear in the top results as to how good those seem as answers.

Quality raters do not have the power to alter Google’s results directly.

Instead, the data produced by quality raters is used to improve Google’s search algorithms generally.

In time, that data might have an impact on low-quality pages that are spotted by raters, as well as on others that weren’t reviewed.

Quality raters use a set of guidelines that are nearly 200 pages long, instructing them on how to assess website quality and whether the results they review meet the needs of those who might search for particular queries.

Additional Info Here

The Connecticut Supreme Court ruled Thursday that a 17-year-old girl with cancer must continue to get chemotherapy against her will.

The girl, identified in court documents as Cassandra C., had asked the court to allow her to make her own medical decisions, even though she won’t turn 18 until September. But CBS Connecticut reports the justices unanimously upheld a lower court ruling ordering her to continue treatment.

The Associated Press reports Cassandra currently is confined in a room at Connecticut Children’s Medical Center in Hartford, where she is being forced to undergo chemotherapy. Doctors said the treatment would give her an 85 percent chance of survival, but without it she would likely die within two years.

Cassandra was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s lymphoma four months ago. Doctors recommended she receive chemo, a common treatment for that type of cancer, but the girl refused and her mother supported her decision.

Court sides with DCF, teen will remain in custody for forced chemotherapy

The family searched for alternative treatments, but a judge ordered Cassandra to undergo chemotherapy. After two just treatments, she ran away from home. The Connecticut Department of Children and Families (DCF) intervened and placed Cassandra into protective custody.

Cassandra’s mother, Jackie Fortin, told “CBS This Morning” earlier this week that it should be Cassandra’s choice to refuse to treat her cancer with chemotherapy.

“She does not want the toxins. She does not want people telling her what to do with her body and how to treat it,” Fortin said — even if the purpose of those toxins is to kill the cancer.

“They are also killing her body. They are killing her organs. They’re killing her insides. It’s not even a matter of dying. She’s not going to die,” Fortin said.

But the state argued that Fortin was putting her daughter at risk in a life-or-death situation. “We really do have the expert testimony, the expert advice of physicians who are saying unequivocally if she does not get the treatment that she needs she will die,” DCF’s Kristina Stevens said.

Fortin’s attorney asked the court to recognize what’s known as the “mature minor doctrine,” which allows 16- and 17-year-olds in some states to get a judge’s permission to make medical decisions for themselves.

But the justices said Cassandra had not proven mature enough or competent to make those decisions, citing the fact that she had run away from home.

The type of cancer Cassandra has, Hodgkin’s (or Hodgkin) lymphoma, is a cancer of the lymphatic system that strikes about 9,000 Americans each year. According to the National Cancer Institute, about 1,100 patients a year die from it.

I cannot understand how Abraham’s Law in Virginia lets a 14 year old decide on his own as to treatment but this 17 year old is not allowed this same right. Virginia lawmakers passed a bill called “Abraham’s Law” agreeing that 14 is the appropriate age for a teenager with a life-threatening condition to have a hand in making medical decisions.

The bill is named after Starchild Abraham Cherrix, 16, who won a court battle last summer to forgo chemotherapy and instead treat his lymphatic cancer with alternative medicine.

Virginia legislature enacted “Abraham’s Law”, which amended § 63.2-100 of the Code of Virginia

View the bill here

via Connecticut court rules on case of teen cancer patient refusing chemo – CBS News.