Posts Tagged ‘ant’

Who is Ant-Man?

Ant-Man is the name of a Marvel superhero, first created by legendary comic book writer Stan Lee and illustrator Jack Kirby in 1962 (predating other superheroes such as the Hulk, Spider Man and Thor by several months). According to the original comic books, the first man to become Ant-Man – yes, there’s more than one – was Hank Pym, a scientist who invented Pym Particles, a substance that allowed him to shrink to the size of an insect and develop the Ant-Man suit.

Later on, another character named Scott Lang took up the Ant-Man suit and title. A petty criminal and former jailbird, Lang stole the suit from Pym in order to save his sick daughter, Cassie Lang. (The doctor capable of saving Cassie’s life was being held prisoner, and Lang was desperate.) Impressed by the former criminal’s capacity for good, Pym decided to mentor Lang, training him up to become the next Ant-Man.

Paul Rudd as Scott Lang in Marvel’s Ant-Man

In Marvel’s forthcoming Ant-Man film, veteran star Michael Douglas will play Pym, while Paul Rudd (Anchorman, The 40 Year Old Virgin) will play Lang (who becomes Ant-Man during the course of the film). According to Marvel’s official plot summary, in the film “Pym and Lang must plan and pull off a heist that will save the world”.

Why would anyone want to shrink to the size of an insect?

In the comic books, the Ant-Man suit doesn’t just allow the wearer to shrink: it also enables them to maintain their usual strength when ant-sized. Plus, according to Marvel’s official plot summary (see below), in the film, Lang will actually increase in strength when wearing the suit. So, if you’re a budding supervillain – no, crushing Ant-Man underfoot isn’t an option.

The suit also comes complete with a cybernetic helmet, which allows the wearer to communicate telepathically with insects. The first poster for Marvel’s film, unveiled at last year’s San Diego Comic Con, depicted Ant-Man sat astride an ant, hinting that this may well be something we’ll be seeing in the film.

Anyone else I need to look out for?

Corey Stoll (House of Cards, The Strain) stars as Darren Cross, who goes on to become Yellowjacket, believed to be the film’s main antagonist. Cross takes over Pym’s company, and uses the technology behind the Ant-Man suit to create the more advanced, militaristic Yellowjacket suit.

Evangeline Lilly (who starred as the elf Tauriel in Peter Jackson’s Hobbit films) will play Hope van Dyne, also known as Red Queen, the daughter of Pym and his wife Janet van Dyne (also a superhero, who goes by the name of the Wasp). While many have speculated that she will be Lang’s love interest, her character sounds a little more complicated than that: according to Lilly, Hope is “messed up by being raised by two superheroes” and “not a big fan” of her father.

Who directed it?

Good question. Edgar Wright, known for directing Simon Pegg and Nick Frost in his “Cornetto trilogy”, originally signed on to direct Ant-Man, working from a script by Wright and his friend, Attack the Block director Joe Cornish. But Wright later left, citing creating differences with Marvel. He was replaced by Peyton Reed, a director who made his name with comedies including The Break Up and Down With Love, with the script being rewritten by Will Farrell’s Anchorman collaborator Adam McKay, with contributions from Rudd.

So, it’s a film about a shrinking man who rides ants, made by comedians. Is it going to be funny?

There has been a lot of speculation as to just how comedic Ant-Man will be. Wright, the film’s original director, is known for his ability to blend comedy with horror (Shaun of the Dead), and sci-fi (The World’s End). Replacement director Reed is primarily a comedy director, and star Rudd is known for his role in comedy films, suggesting that Marvel may well be aiming for a light-hearted tone, at the very least. But fans can rest assured that the film will still treat its source material with respect: when Wright was attached to direct, he said: “I think some people assume that it must be a spoof, but it’s not really. I guess it’s as funny as something like Iron Man is. It’s on that level of entertainment, really.” McKay has since said that his script is “bigger” and “more aggressive” than Wright’s.

How will it fit in with the rest of the Marvel Universe?

Howard Stark, the father of Robert Downey Jr’s Tony Stark/Iron Man, will be shown in flashback in the film, cementing the fact that Iron-Man takes place in the same world as Marvel’s other films. He will be played by John Slattery, the same actor who starred as the character in Iron Man 2.

On a wider scale, in the original Marvel comic books, Scott Lang’s Ant-Man has teamed up with everyone from The Avengers to The Fantastic Four: Marvel may well include the character in future films. Ant-Man may also overlap with Marvel’s forthcoming TV series Agent Carter in some way, according to its star Hayley Atwell. Speaking about the show, Atwell said: “It’s really its own piece, but yet, obviously, because it’s Marvel, it’s interlinked with lots of the different worlds – Captain America and Ant-Man.”

The Trailer


via Ant-Man: everything you need to know – Telegraph.